Monday, November 5, 2012

Change Venue AMI/Southern Response Meeting

Dear Residents,
We regret to advise that due to a bereavement, we have unexpectedly and at short notice needed to change our venue for the InsuranceWatch and AMI/Southern Response customers.  We wish to advise as follows;
(2nd Left off Wakefield Ave after Village) 
This meeting is open to all AMI/STH RESPONSE CUSTOMERS.  This is your opportunity to listen and engage with senior management, case managers and building team.  This meeting is organised and supported by InsuanceWatch in partnership with Southern Response. For more information about us go to
David Stringer
Chair, Ferrymead Brookhaven Residents Association.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

REMINDER AMI/Southern Response Meeting

AMI/Southern Response Insurance Watch Cluster Meeting

Coastal Hills Cluster of Residents Associations and Insurance Watch Organisation wish to remind you our meeting on 7th November.  

This meeting is open to all AMI/Southern Response customers across Christchurch and will be chaired by David Stringer. 

More details will follow.........

WEDNESDAY 7TH NOVEMBER 2012 at 7:00 pm
Turn into St Johns St in Woolston, then into St Lukes St, then into Villi Place


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

REMINDER Lumley Insurance Cluster Meeting



Lumley senior executives, case managers, project managers and representatives from their preferred builders - Horncastle and Benchmark homes. They are also bringing some models for show and tell. It should be a really good meeting.

Please spread the word - Thurs 25th October, 7pm, EFK Samoan Church Hall. 

This meeting is being organised and chaired by INSURANCEWATCH and is open to all of Lumley customers in Christchurch.

David Stringer
Chair, InsuranceWatch, Lumley Cluster Meeting.

Friday, October 5, 2012

AMI/Southern Response Insurance Watch Cluster Meeting

Dear Everyone, especially AMI/Southern Response Insurance customers, 

Please be advised the Coastal Hills Cluster of Residents Associations and Insurance Watch Organisation are pleased to announce a special meeting for AMI/Southern Response customers.  We are hosting AMI/Southern Response Insurance at our 6th Insurance Watch Cluster Meetings.

This meeting is open to all AMI/Southern Response customers across Christchurch and will be chaired by David Stringer. 

At the meeting AMI/Southern Response Insurance EQ management and executives will present details of the progress with claims, outline strategy for repairs and rebuilds.  Arrow International will be presenting their progress and will answer building questions.  Opportunity for full questions and case discussions.


WEDNESDAY 7TH NOVEMBER 2012 at 7:00 pm

Turn into St Johns St in Woolston, then into St Lukes St, then into Villi Place


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lumley Insurance Cluster Meeting

Dear Everyone, especially Lumley insurance customers,

Please be advised the Coastal Hills Cluster of Residents Associations and Insurance Watch Organisation are pleased to announce a special meeting for Lumley customers.  We are hosting Lumley Insurance at our 5th Insurance Cluster Meeting.

This meeting is open to all Lumley customers across Christchurch.

Details are as follows

THURSDAY 25th OCTOBER 2012 at 7:00 pm
Turn into St Johns St in Woolston, then into St Lukes St, then into Villi Place


Monday, September 24, 2012

Reminder CERA Community Meeting


Greetings everyone,

Just a reminder about the CERA meeting tomorrow night, I encourage you all to attend if you have not been to one of the green zone meetings.  You will hear new land information from CERA and EQC, particularly timelines for land claim cash settlement.  The latest DBH and council information is also worth hearing. 

You will have the opportunity to ask questions and have private discussions with EQC and Insurers.

Please pass on this information to your neighbours or others you know who do not have internet  Its great to see the sunshine and warmer weather. 

Best regards to you and your families. 
David Stringer, chair FBRA.

CERA Community Meeting for Green Zone property owners

Wednesday 26 Sept 2012
6:00 to 8:30 pm

EFK SAMOAN CHURCH HALL, 9 Vili Place, Woolston
Turn into St Johns St in Woolston, then into St Lukes St, then into Villi Place

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Brookhaven, ground investigations

Works Notice:

Brookhaven, ground investigations

We will be carrying out ground and service investigation work in Brookhaven. This investigation work is scheduled to begin next week and will take approximately two weeks. The work Fulton Hogan will carry out involves drilling boreholes and digging temporary test pits to ascertain ground conditions.

For more details Click Here

Thursday, September 6, 2012


CERA Community Meeting for Green Zone property owners

Please Note change of date for this meeting
Wednesday 26 Sept 2012
6:00 to 8:30 pm
EFK SAMOAN CHURCH HALL, 9 Vili Place, Woolston
Turn into St Johns St in Woolston, then into St Lukes St, then into Villi Place

Change of date was necessary to allow all key people to attend.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Campbell Live TV 3 Tonight 7.00 pm

TV3 Campbell Live 7 pm Tonight features a piece on Brookhaven - our thanks to David Stringer

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Insurance Cluster Update

Results of Tower Insurance Cluster Meeting held 27 June 2012 can be found at Click on Resourses

Also earlier meetings
IAG June 12 Meeting Summary.pdf - Click on Resourses 
Vero May 29 Meeting Summary.pdf - Click on Resourses 

AA/SIS Insurance Cluster Announced earlier today for
EFK Samoan Church Hall, WEDNESDAY 08 AUGUST 7pm.

Lumley and Southern Response (AMI) meetings are scheduled for Late August - Early September

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

AA/SIS Insurance Cluster Meeting

Dear Everyone, especially AA/SIS insurance customers,

Please be advised the Coastal Hills Cluster of Residents Associations and Insurancewatch Organisation are pleased to announce a special meeting for AA/SIS customers.  We are hosting AA insurance at our 4th Insurance Cluster Meeting.

This meeting is open to all AA/SIS customers across Christchurch.

At the meeting AA Insurance EQ management and executives will present details of the progress with claims, outline strategy for repairs and rebuilds.  MWH Mainzeal will be presenting their progress and will answer building questions.  Opportunity for full questions and case discussions.
Details are as follows

AA/SIS Insurance Cluster

EFK Samoan Church Hall, WEDNESDAY 08 AUGUST 7pm.

Turn into St Johns St in Woolston, then into St Lukes St, then into Villi Place

Monday, June 25, 2012

Reminder Tower Insurance Cluster

Dear Everyone,
This is a further reminder to everyone of the next insurance cluster series of meetings.  This time it is Tower Insurance who have their Earthquake technical and communications team coming to speak with us at the venue below;

Tower Insurance Cluster

EFK Samoan Church Hall, WEDNESDAY 27June 7pm.

Turn into St Johns St in Woolston, then into St Lukes St, then into Villi Place
This initiative is from the coastal hills cluster of residents associations and  For further information on our recent residents survey results and for information on Vero and IAG meeting summary - please go to
Best regards
David Stringer
Chair, InsuranceWatch Tower cluster meeting 27 June.

PS Please tell your friends and neighbours this meeting is open to all Tower Policy Holders in greater Christchurch

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The results of our Baseline Survey and our Press Release are now out

The results of our Baseline Surveyand our Press Release are now out

The link is below, the results reflect very accurately the rates of progress for Brookhaven.  Please read the press release - its now gone to the Press, TV3, Morning report, Radio NZ news, Dominion and the Herald.  We have now opened up the survey to the rest of chch and expect around 1500 responses over the next 10 days.  So please tell all your family and friends in chch to take the survey.

Best regards
David Stringer

Thursday, June 14, 2012

IAG Insurance Cluster Summary

A summary of the IAG Insurance Cluster meeting held on 12 June 2012 7.30pm at the Sumner School Hall, Dryden Street Sumner

Click here to read

For further information visit

Online Survey
We're now gathering more information to clarify:
  • the differences or disparities between insurance companies
  • progress (or lack of progress) getting people back into their houses
  • what's happening (or not) to affected property owners
Right now, the initial survey is for Coastal Hills property owners — from Ferrymead/Brookhaven through to Sumner - help make this survey a great success
Please encourage others in the area to fill in survey too. Thank you

Vero Insurance Cluster

A summary of the Vero Insurance Cluster meeting held on 29 May 2012 7.30pm at the Sumner School Hall, Dryden Street Sumner

Click Here to read

Wednesday, June 13, 2012



EFK Samoan Church Hall, WEDNESDAY 27June 7pm.
We are expecting around 300 Tower policy holders.

Turn into St Johns St in Woolston, then into St Lukes St, then into Villi Place

The church is the one that can be seen on the corner of Linwood Ave and Dyers Road.

For more information please go to the following link

PS.  This meeting was oriningally published for Monday 25 but has now been changed to the above.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Clarification for AMI Policy Holders

Tonight’s IAG Insurance Cluster Meeting is for existing IAG policy holders. 
AMI (Southern Response) policy holders will have a separate meeting scheduled for July.

IAG Insurance Cluster Meeting

Hello Everyone,

This is reminder of the IAG Insurance Cluster Meeting. The meeting is for all IAG policy holders – Banks, Lantern, NZI and State, 

This has been organized as a combined meeting by the Residents Associations of  Ferrymead Brookhaven, Heathcote, Redcliffs, Mt Pleasant and Sumner.

Meeting is Tuesday 12 June,
7-30PM, Sumner School Hall, Dryden Street, Sumner

IAG Representatives will be speaking. Apologies that some have missed the communications last week. We are expecting a large turnout. IAG have been sent specific questions in advance. Hope to see as many of you as possible.

Best Regards
Chair FBRA, Chair - IAG Meeting

For more information please go to the following link

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Dear everyone,

I trust you and your families are well.

We have had a very successful response to our insurance cluster and house status survey. We will be providing a summary to those who took part later in June. We have organised property owners into clusters with respect to who their insurer is.

We have already hosted the very enlightening Vero/AA group meeting for Ferrymead to Sumner this week with around 250 policy holders. We have meetings scheduled for IAG 12 June 2012 and Tower (late June TBA). We will be scheduling area wide meetings with AMI/Southern Response and Lumley in July.

We are collaborating with other residents associations to promote the great work of   This has been created by a team of volunteers to help quake-affected Christchurch property owners.

Our residents-based group knows, from personal experience and local surveys, that there are significant differences in the progress experienced by customers of different insurance companies. These differences really matter to all New Zealanders who have insurance.

We're now gathering more information to clarify:
  • the differences or disparities between insurance companies
  • progress (or lack of progress) getting people back into their houses
  • what's happening (or not) to affected property owners
In short, which insurance companies are doing well for us, which are not, and why?

By doing this, we hope to improve the insurance response in Christchurch, and also let all New Zealanders know which insurers will provide effective support when you most need it.

Here is the link to the website - please take the survey and let me know what you think. Just double click below on the link. Please share with your family and friends and take the survey even if you are not in the areas mentioned.

Please also take a look at the news and resources information tab. Please do take the time to complete the survey to enable us to gather the best quality information, good or bad so we can help all stakeholders to move forward. Please give us your feedback and your stories on the website.

Best wishes
David Stringer
Chair FBRA, founding member Insurance, member coastal hills cluster

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Linwood Service Centre is closed

Linwood Service Centre closed on Tuesday 17 April 2012
The Linwood Service Centre has been temporarily closed. This is due to receiving results of the first stage of a Detailed Engineering Evaluation (DEE), which showed that the Linwood buildings are either earthquake prone or potentially earthquake prone. Engineers have recommended the building should not be occupied.
Staff email and direct dial telephone numbers remain the same, however, if you wish to meet with any of us, please contact to arrange a suitable venue.  

Please make use of the closest libraries or service centres.
Alternative libraries include:

The Linwood Mini Library remains open at 180 Smith Street.
Monday to Friday, 9am - 6pm
Saturday, 10am - 4pm

Central Library Peterborough - Te Kete Wānanga o Peterborough
91 Peterborough Street
Monday to Friday, 9am - 6pm
Saturday and Sunday, 10am - 5pm

Find out more at

Alternative service centres include:

36 Marshland Road, Shirley
Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm
Saturday, 10am - 1pm

Civic offices
53 Hereford Street
Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5pm   Source

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Info on TC3 Announcements 5 May 2012

From EQC - Technical Category Three (TC3) Investigations and Assessments undertaken by EQC Click Here

From DBH - Information sheet Interim guidance for repairing and rebuilding foundations in TC3
Click Here

From CERA - TC3 Announcements: What They Mean for Property Owners Click Here

From EQC Facebook this has just been posted
EQC Land Reports
"Hi everyone, we are sorry to report that a technical hitch means the land damage reports won't be available until later this month because it is taking longer than expected to get the information onto your files in our system. This does not impact the overall settlement of their land claims, but it is annoying, so our apologies.
The reports will go out in batches, beginning later this month. It may take a month or so for all batches to be sent."

Saturday, April 28, 2012

TC3 Foundation Guide from DBH

Department of Building & Housing have released the long-awaited guidelines for foundation repairs in the earthquake-hit green-blue zones.

This is another step on the journey, but until the GeoTech testing is done and the state of the ground is determined this will establish which category each house falls into.

Monday, April 23, 2012

TC3 drilling underway in eastern suburbs

EQC announce their drilling progam for GeoTech - we ask where does Ferrymead Brookhaven fit into this? Possibly in Bromley Woolston TC3 drilling plan.  Read here

Friday, April 20, 2012

April Newsletter for Ferrymead Brookhaven Residents

We hope by now all resident will have received our latest newsletter delivered to your letter box this week. Copy Here

Topics covered

       Business Matters - Chairman - Incoming Committee - Subscriptions

      Area Happenings - January CERA Meeting - Red Cross Outreach, TC3 Overcap Payments,
                                     TC3 Geotech,  Coastal Hills Cluster / Accommodation

      Social and Other Information  - Wetlands and Dogs, Insurance Clusters, Our Community

We urge everyone to fill in the Survey attached. If you missed the flyer read here.

Insurance Clusters
Clusters/groups of homeowners associated with each of the insurance companies.
Each group will have an opportunity to share information with each other and receive news
concerning the latest developments with their particular Insurance company and their
respective Project Management Offices (PMO).
This initiative has received endorsement as a concept from the insurance companies, EQC,
elected representatives and Cera.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Works Notice – ground investigations, Main Road, McCormacks Bay

Stronger Christchurch are investigating the ground conditions of the Main Road Causeway to identify the best way to repair the road. Work will take place between Thursday 19 April and Friday 27 April.
Read Details Here

Monday, April 2, 2012

EQC denies payout freeze for TC3

Ferrymead-Brookhaven Residents' Association chairman David Stringer said 17 neighbours had contacted him frustrated at delays.

He was in the same position, he said, with a quake-damaged house that had been declared a rebuild and no reason for an EQC payment to be delayed.

"There's no valid reason for them to withhold the payment,'' he said.

"You ring up the settlements teams in Australia or Wellington and they tell you point-blank, 'No, you're not being paid until that [foundation design] work's been done'."

Read the full article Click Here

Friday, March 16, 2012

Brookhaven - GeoTech investigations have started

GeoTech investigations commenced in Brookhaven in early February.   All of the approx 372 properties are zoned TC3. (see photos of GeoTech last week in Delta Way
AMI have scheduled approx 15 so far and the number is expected to rise as people look at their options and make decisions.  Work will be progressively undertaken during this month and through the winter.  After the investigation a report is made and sent to Arrow. 
The next step usually is a structural engineer is engaged to recommend and design suitable foundation. 
Then a registered surveyor conducts a survey to confirm boundaries and determine the height of the new floor in order to comply with Variation 48 of CCC Flood Plan.
How does one get to GeoTech Report you may be asking?  This is a general overview based on feedback from residents who are AMI/Arrow International clients.
  1.  EQC determines that your house is overcap.
  2. Private insurers make contact with homeowner to advise your property will be managed by their Project Management Office(PMO) e.g. AMI uses Arrow, IAG use Hawkins etc.
  3. PMO visits property and generates a scope of works or detailed repair analysis  (this is additional to EQC scope).
  4. Draft report on the scope is sent for property owner to check and advise variances.
  5. Redraft of report by PMO to include changes or variations.
  6. Recommendation is made by PMO to private insurer as to Repair or Rebuild.
  7. Owner is notified and repair or rebuild options are presented..
  8. If PMO recommend a rebuild and property owner wishes to rebuild on existing site, Geotech is ordered by PMO.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rules on damaged TC3 sites delayed

From THE PRESS by MICHAEL WRIGHT  12/03/2012   Source

Foundation guidelines for earthquake-damaged green-blue Canterbury properties will not be ready until mid-April.
The Department of Building and Housing (DBH) is developing foundation designs for quake-damaged houses classified technical category 3 (TC3) by the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (Cera). The guidelines had been scheduled to be released last month.
The 28,000 TC3, or green-blue, properties are considered to be on the most badly quake-damaged land able to be economically repaired. Houses in the zone needing to be rebuilt or have foundation repairs must meet new foundation standards.
DBH building quality deputy chief executive David Kelly said developing the new techniques had been "more complex than anticipated".
"As soon as you get into work like this, which is new work, there are things you don't know about simply because you can't anticipate it. It's the nature of the work really," he said.
Foundation designs would fall into two broad categories – stabilising the land and "deep piling and making sure the connection to the foundation is properly thought through".
Geotechnical and structural engineers were taking advice from international experts to ensure the new standards were robust, Kelly said.
"We really appreciate that people are anxious to see this work because they want to get on with life, but the worst thing we can do is get it out and be inaccurate," he said. "There is certainly pressure on us to move as quickly as we can, and we are trying to."
Foundation designs that involve land remediation will be new ground for insurance companies as they do not insure land as part of house policies.
AMI Insurance earthquake recovery executive manager Peter Rose said the company had no problem with the designs involving land remediation.
"We believe we have responsibility for any necessary strengthening in the land as it relates to the appropriateness of the foundations," he said.
IAG Canterbury recovery executive manager Dean MacGregor said the insurer took a similar position, but "only at a philosophical level".
"We would definitely consider it on the basis that if it wasn't going to cost any more than we would have paid for those foundations anyway."
The Earthquake Commission is due to start its geotechnical assessments on more than 8000 TC3 properties with foundation damage soon.
Customer services general manager Bruce Emson said delays from DBH would not affect the process. It was already possible to repair some TC3 properties with foundation damage.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Urban myths debunked

From Earthquake Update from Lantern (for IAG customers)

We keep hearing a persistent rumour that our reinsurers have paid us out in full,and we’re avoiding paying claims so we can earn interest on this money.

The truth is we want the rebuild to get underway as much as anyone! In fact, we do not receive reinsurance money until after we have paid out on a claim, and we are definitely not holding back huge sums of money to earn interest.

Since September 2010 IAG has paid out over $900 million to its State, NZI, Lantern Insurance and Corporate Partnerships customers.

That’s more than $1.7 million per day in earthquake claims and we will continue to authorise and pay out on claims as they are finalised.  Source

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Winter Assistance Grant from Red Cross

Winter Assistance Grant 

Up to $400 per household paid over four months to assist with electricity bills.
The aim of this grant is to assist vulnerable households who are living in homes significantly damaged by the earthquakes, or who have had to move into damp or hard to heat accommodation. The significant damage must include serious compromise to the heating and/or insulation of the home. This grant assists households with their electricity bills over the months of June, July, August and September 2012.

Visit Red Cross website Click Here   Download Grant Application Form Click Here

Friday, January 27, 2012

Land assessments complete, reports coming by April

From  EQConnects update Thursday 26 January 2012
Land assessments complete, reports coming by April

All initial assessments of land claims were completed by EQC’s engineers by 17 December 2011. Individual reports for each property are currently being prepared and checked. We will provide customers with their land reports. The report will provide an overview of the nature and extent of the damage sustained to land and will be in a format that is easily understandable for the customer.

To finalise these reports, we need additional LiDAR data. LiDAR aerial mapping identifies the changes which have occurred to land across Canterbury as a result of all earthquake events since September 2010. Most customers with a land claim will have their initial land assessment reports by the end of April. For some properties, there may be a requirement for more detailed assessments and we will contact those customers soon.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Community Meeting for Ferrymead Brookhaven Residents

Ferrymead Brookhaven Residents Association invite you to a



6PM SHARP – finish approx 7-30pm.

SAMOAN CHURCH HALL, 9 Vili Place, which is off St Lukes street, which is off St Johns road in Woolston. The church is the one that can be seen on the corner of Linwood Ave and Dyers road.

Greetings everyone, we trust you and your families are well. Please be advised of a special meeting for Ferrymead and Brookhaven residents.

CERA, EQC, CCC, AMI, IAG will be there to discuss specific issues for our area. We will be discussing rebuilding process issues including floodplan variation 48. Please bring your questions, concerns and issues. Come and learn more about the future of our land.

The last time we met at the Samoan church hall on the 7th of November, we had over 500 people. We also wish to update you on some initiatives the residents association is planning to introduce for your benefit. There will be an information table, Earthquake Support Co-ordinators present and an opportunity to have discussions with representatives. Tea and coffee provided afterwards.

Our sincere thanks to CERA community wellbeing team for assistance with this meeting.

Follow us on Ferrymead Brookhaven Residents Association Blog

Best wishes to everyone
David Stringer (Chairman) and Deb Ogier (Secretary)
Ferrymead Brookhaven Residents Association
Enquiries to 376 6136

Monday, January 9, 2012

Earthquake Recovery and Rebuild Update January 2012

Briefing from GNS Science seismologists on 6 January 2012
TV3 On Demand
Christchurch City Council YouTube Channel  This briefing is in 6 parts.

A good summary of Briefing held on January 6th - the first info since Dec 23rd 2011 by Christchurch Central MP Nicky Wagner  "Earthquake Recovery and Rebuild Update January 2012" Click here to read

A copy of TC3 Areas Information Booklet was sent out just before Christmas. The booklet has been prepared by CERA and other agencies working on Canterbury earthquake recovery to better inform residential property owners about the technical categories and what they mean.

In case you did not receive a copy of the book is available on their website at