Thursday, May 31, 2012


Dear everyone,

I trust you and your families are well.

We have had a very successful response to our insurance cluster and house status survey. We will be providing a summary to those who took part later in June. We have organised property owners into clusters with respect to who their insurer is.

We have already hosted the very enlightening Vero/AA group meeting for Ferrymead to Sumner this week with around 250 policy holders. We have meetings scheduled for IAG 12 June 2012 and Tower (late June TBA). We will be scheduling area wide meetings with AMI/Southern Response and Lumley in July.

We are collaborating with other residents associations to promote the great work of   This has been created by a team of volunteers to help quake-affected Christchurch property owners.

Our residents-based group knows, from personal experience and local surveys, that there are significant differences in the progress experienced by customers of different insurance companies. These differences really matter to all New Zealanders who have insurance.

We're now gathering more information to clarify:
  • the differences or disparities between insurance companies
  • progress (or lack of progress) getting people back into their houses
  • what's happening (or not) to affected property owners
In short, which insurance companies are doing well for us, which are not, and why?

By doing this, we hope to improve the insurance response in Christchurch, and also let all New Zealanders know which insurers will provide effective support when you most need it.

Here is the link to the website - please take the survey and let me know what you think. Just double click below on the link. Please share with your family and friends and take the survey even if you are not in the areas mentioned.

Please also take a look at the news and resources information tab. Please do take the time to complete the survey to enable us to gather the best quality information, good or bad so we can help all stakeholders to move forward. Please give us your feedback and your stories on the website.

Best wishes
David Stringer
Chair FBRA, founding member Insurance, member coastal hills cluster

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Linwood Service Centre is closed

Linwood Service Centre closed on Tuesday 17 April 2012
The Linwood Service Centre has been temporarily closed. This is due to receiving results of the first stage of a Detailed Engineering Evaluation (DEE), which showed that the Linwood buildings are either earthquake prone or potentially earthquake prone. Engineers have recommended the building should not be occupied.
Staff email and direct dial telephone numbers remain the same, however, if you wish to meet with any of us, please contact to arrange a suitable venue.  

Please make use of the closest libraries or service centres.
Alternative libraries include:

The Linwood Mini Library remains open at 180 Smith Street.
Monday to Friday, 9am - 6pm
Saturday, 10am - 4pm

Central Library Peterborough - Te Kete Wānanga o Peterborough
91 Peterborough Street
Monday to Friday, 9am - 6pm
Saturday and Sunday, 10am - 5pm

Find out more at

Alternative service centres include:

36 Marshland Road, Shirley
Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm
Saturday, 10am - 1pm

Civic offices
53 Hereford Street
Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5pm   Source

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Info on TC3 Announcements 5 May 2012

From EQC - Technical Category Three (TC3) Investigations and Assessments undertaken by EQC Click Here

From DBH - Information sheet Interim guidance for repairing and rebuilding foundations in TC3
Click Here

From CERA - TC3 Announcements: What They Mean for Property Owners Click Here

From EQC Facebook this has just been posted
EQC Land Reports
"Hi everyone, we are sorry to report that a technical hitch means the land damage reports won't be available until later this month because it is taking longer than expected to get the information onto your files in our system. This does not impact the overall settlement of their land claims, but it is annoying, so our apologies.
The reports will go out in batches, beginning later this month. It may take a month or so for all batches to be sent."