Monday, December 12, 2011

December Update

As some of you will have noticed the playground off Ti Rakau Drive is in the procees of being remodelled and is currently fenced off, the grass in the area is in a mess and is scheduled to be regrassed late summer. They expect the playground to reopen on 22nd December. It was not possible to go ahead with the planned Christmas Party this year..

We are now waiting for Gerry Brownlee to release the area wide land reports next week.
Also survey helicopters have been busy in our area.


  1. Thank you so much to all the residents who have taken the trouble to decorate their houses with Christmas lights again this year. It is much appreciated. Merry Christmas to you all.

  2. thank you so much to our brookhaven association for all the help time and support you have put in and given to our subdivision we really appreciate everything you have done and are doing.

  3. I wonder if the Government will reconsider Brookhaven's status and declare it RED - personally I don't think so we didn't have enough liquefaction.

  4. Am wondering how everyone got on - seeing little piles of silt appearing at the roadside.

  5. What we need to know how far above sea level Brookhaven is, we have been told the Estuary has risen and this area has sunk. The council talked about the 50 year flood level - what does it all mean?

    When the land reports are released will we know more?

  6. I think we need to stick together as a subdivision. If the Government want us to live in Brookhaven they should move us all out, compact and raise our land then rebuild on it. If our houses are not rebuilt we will be stuck in TC3 zone with houses with old one will ever buy them!
